Q: What kind of payment options do chingmesh.com offer ?

chingmesh.com offers a variety of payment options as below: Online payment via ipay88 Visa or Mastercard, by Cash, by Cheque, Internet Banking and TT/SL

Q: How secure is pay with chingmesh.com ?

We want your o­nline shopping to be worry-free, so we use SSL (Secure Socket Layers)*, the industry standard encryption standard for o­nline purchase. All of your personal information, including your credit card number, is encrypted by SSL while you are placing the order. SSL encrypts your order information to avoid the decoding of that information by anyone other than chingmesh.com. To check the security of your connection, look at the URL address bar of your browser window when you begin to checkout. If you see an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending o­n your browser), then SSL is active. When accessing a secure server, the first characters of the site address will change from "http" to "https". We endeavor to make every transaction you make at chingmesh.com 100% safe. This means that you pay nothing if unauthorized charges are made to your card as a result of shopping at chingmesh.com.

* SSL available o­nly if you make payment through our payment gateway like (put your payment gateway name here